Words to Live By: Timing is Everything

When you’re a control freak with a Type-A personality, like myself, it can be hard to slow down and let life take its course. I have so many goals, dreams and aspirations but I have to remind myself to take it one day at a time before I get discouraged.

I have so many questions that are left unanswered but I’m learning that any progress is still progress! Stepping outside of my comfort zone is good for me. Learning to cook healthier meals is good for me. Dating complete strangers online is (in some ways) good for me.

I have the tendency to want to plan, plan plan but I can’t always do that. I’ll just stay positive and hope for the best! With hard work and the right timing, things will fall into place. So tell me, how do you stay motivated when the going gets tough? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

A Message to My High School Self

I’ve been thinking lately and I just want to write a note to my high school self on here. Maybe it’s weird, maybe it’s not. Warning: This is going to be cheesy so if you don’t like cheese, get out. It’s from my heart.

Dear Jenna,

1. Don’t stick with certain friends because it’s easier. You’re going to switch friend groups. Twice. It’s going to sting, but I promise it’ll be worth it. You’ll know when you need to.

2. Don’t let people make you feel inferior based on superficial things. Such as what you’re wearing, what after-school things you choose to participate in, how tall you are, and so on.

3. Exercise regularly. Get into a routine so when you’re in college and out of college, getting on the workout train won’t kick you in the butt. It’ll already be a part of you.

4. Take Spanish class seriously. People who are fluent in a second language are cool people.

5. You’re not fat. I promise you, you’ll get bigger as you get older — and it won’t be when you’re 40 after kids. It’ll be like a few years from now. You’ll be gluten free for two years (doctor’s orders) and lose a ton of weight, and you still won’t be a single digit jean size. It’s how you are and it’s OK. Really.

6. Don’t put people in boxes. Your high school is huge, so don’t feed into that stereotype crap. People tend to put themselves in boxes. Break out of it. In college and when you work at camp, you’ll become friends with truly amazing people who you’d never cross paths with in high school. It’s amazing, and it’s the best thing for you.

7.  You will get asked to dances. Try not to not freak out so much about this. Also, don’t get caught up in “WHAT GROUP AM I GOING TO BE IN?!” You’re going to run into the rest of your friends at the dance, and you’ll take photos with everyone you need to. Just have fun.

8. Appreciate your family. Don’t snap at them because you’re stressed about Geography homework. It’s not their fault. They always support you and want what’s best for you. From here on out, you’ll have to pack a suitcase to go home. You won’t live there permanently again, which is a hard thing to swallow.

Oh, and spoiled brats don’t go away. Just get ready for that.


Five Things I’m Thankful For Today

1. It’s sunny out today! Which means my walk to work wasn’t wet and splashy (like yesterday).

2. It’s Friday and my weekend ahead isn’t jam-packed with activities, just a couple things I’m looking forward to! I know, I know. Who complains about being “too busy?” But you know what I mean. Sometimes a weekend doesn’t even feel refreshing when you have too many things going on.

3. My family. Because they’re awesome and I’ll get to see them lots this spring between grad parties, weddings and graduations. Heck yes.  

4. Mad Men. I’m plowing through Season 6 on Netflix right now. I love the fashion and drama and everything ’60s.

5. I’ve managed to spend zero $$ on coffee this week (so far). Not even boring gas station coffee! Remember my News Years resolution of spending less money on coffee?? Maybe I’ll go to a coffee shop to celebrate this weekend…

What are you thankful for today?

A Take on New York Fashion Week

I asked the most stylish friend I know if she’d be interested in guest blogging. Guess what? She is! I’m excited to have my first guest blogger on here! 🙂

Meet Emily. We go way back…to like senior year of high school when Math class nearly killed us and choir practices energized us. Stay a while and soak up every word of her New York Fashion Week wrap-up. I think you’ll like her digestible take on fashion (something I definitely don’t have a knack for). If you really like what you see, be sure to visit her Tumblr at itsemmalou.tumblr.com.

Emily and me last summer.

Emily and me last summer.

NYFW Wrap by Emily 

The most stylish week in New York has just wrapped, New York Fashion Week. A week when putting your arms in your coat sleeves when its 16 degrees out is not the norm, when wearing heels isn’t a choice; it’s a must, when all the fashion crazed bloggers stuff their purses with cliff bars and cell chargers. It’s a week that I look forward to.

This year’s shows were most impressive. If you were only able to watch two shows (how could you choose just two?), I would highly recommend Marc Jacobs and the great Oscar de la Renta. THAT MAN OSCAR!! Year after year he tops himself. Let’s talk about the bold striped ball gown that stole the show at 2013 RTW show, the Strapless Striped Gazar Gown, I wasn’t sure it could get any better than that. Thankfully la Renta proved me wrong (I knew he would). His fall collection showcased a lot of patterns, separates, and my favorite colors; black and white.

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Oscar de la Renta; great suits in my favorite colors black and white.

Marc Jacob’s show was especially enjoyable for each guest because he made sure they all had a front row seat. How you ask? Think of the world’s most winding runway. Guests were seated beneath the clouds on individual white pods and models walked the maze to a spoken track that honestly mesmerized me from the start. From sheer to sparkles, and fur to shearlings, some of the most notable new trends were shown. (As a side note, those ombre fur coats are a must in this frigid weather.)

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Marc Jacobs’ unique twist on the runway.

The biggest complaint I have about fashion week is the unrealistic looks that sashay down the runway. While every fashion week will undoubtedly have a few of those avant-garde looks sprinkled into the collections, this year had an equal amount of wearable looks. As a working woman, 90% of what I buy needs to be able to be worn to work, so the steady flow of two and three piece suits was right up my alley. A suit is just like a dress. I love dresses because you can put that bad boy on and you are set. A suit is the same way. Slip on that skirt or pants, add a neutral top (or crazy pattern if that’s more you), add the jacket and boom, instant respect.

The best part of fashion week you ask? The street style photos! Its like the Superbowl of outfit inspiration! When bloggers, fashion editor’s, buyers, and over all capital F- Fashionistas put their best foot forward, their best jacket, or whatever it takes; to get a photo snapped. Which, from the looks of it, can’t be to hard by the swarm of street style photographers that hang out around the different show sites. My favorite photographer is with no doubt Bill Cunningham, the 84-year-old man who captures their expression of personal style. This is where I draw inspiration, I challenge myself during NYFW to dress as if I was going to a show (in my dreams…).

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Street style photographers capture music producer Caroline de Maigret, wearing
Proenze Schouler outside the designers show.

Vogue puts together a slide show of the street style of off duty models and the above mentioned attendees, that is without a doubt, a jackpot for outfit inspiration. It features some of my favorite people to follow for style, Russian magazine editor Miroslava Duma, model and British Vogue editor Alexa Chung, fashion editor Taylor Tomasi Hill, and blogger Leandra Medine (The Man Repeller; highly recommend checking her blog out).

If you’re looking for a way to freshen up your look, check out the street style photos and see what you can recreate to work for your personal style with the pieces you already have. Then make a wish list of new pieces to help complete your wardrobe and the look. These trends are whats going to be on the racks six months from now, so why not get a jump start and be ahead of the trend! Check out itsemmalou.tumblr.com for some of my own looks, as well as what I find inspiring.

More info:

Photos of Oscar de la Renta’s 2014 RTW show.

To view Marc Jacobs 2014 show click here.

Street Style Slide Show (the creepy old looking lady, Anna Dello Russo, I just find her weird)

A Little Inspiration

Hey friends! I saw this little baby on Pinterest last week and ever since it’s been speaking to me. This quote can mean something drastically different to each and every one of us. So, I’m leaving it with you for a tiny taste of inspiration for the week. Take on Monday with positive energy! 🙂