Single Girl’s Guide: Surviving Valentine’s Day – Round 2

Hey friends!

Remember when I wrote a post about fun ways to navigate Valentine’s Day as a single lady? That was nice. Well I wanted to share it with you again so here’s what we covered last year (in case you missed it):

Single Lady Must-Dos for VALENTINE’S DAY

  • Send out cheesy Valentines. 
  • Make plans for Valentine’s Day.
  • Treat yourself to a salon date.
  • Pick up a heart-shaped pizza from Pizza Murphy’s.

And my new suggestion for this year…

Host a Galentine’s Day Party.

For those of you that are obsessed with the TV show Parks and Rec like me, you should host a party for your girls. And if you’re not into the show, throw a girls night anyways. Trust me on this one.

“What’s Galentine’s Day? Oh, it’s only the best day of the year. Every February 13th, Leslie Knope and her lady friends leave their husbands and their boyfriends at home and just kick it breakfast style. Ladies celebrating ladies.” – Online Source

I’m going to have a group of my girlfriends over for a nighttime brunch to celebrate Galentine’s Day this weekend, then I’m headed home to spend a few days with my parents. I’ll be surrounded by the people I love.

This is a super “cheerleader” post but I still stand behind everything I wrote last year. Show your friends and family you love them and are thinking of them. Just because you’re alone now doesn’t mean you’ll be alone forever. Stay positive!

20th Annual Cookie Day!

On Saturday I went home for Cookie Day. One of my favorite days of the year. Remember when I wrote about the 1,008 Christmas Cookies (and Counting) last year? This year, Cookie Day was extra special as we marked 20 years! The ladies were in charge of the real cookies and I was in charge of dipping pretzels, ritz peanut butter crackers and peanut butter balls in almond bark. I’m so happy my friend Emma joined us and helped me dip. 🙂

What kind of Christmas cookies do you make?

(Please take a second to appreciate that it’s “snowing” on my blog. How fancy is that?)

Turkey Cookie Treats


Remember when I visited my cousin’s farm a few weekends ago? Well, a few of us girls sat down and made a few of these super cute turkey cookie treats. All you need are Rolos, Oreos, candy corn, black frosting and white frosting. Taddaaa! You have a festive cookie just in time for Thanksgiving. These are a big hit with kids…or with adults like me who love dissecting dessert. One of my cousins found this idea from a blog somewhere, so I totally give that blogger credit (whoever that clever blogger might be).

Well, there you have it! A cute dessert that’s not pie. Switch it up. Throw a curve ball at your uncle.