Social Detox

This work week (can we just take a second to celebrate it’s already Thursday?!) I’ve taken my social life into my own hands. I know that sounds silly but sometimes plans with friends and family spiral out of control and I feel as though I’m getting stretched too thin. Sometimes after work I just want to relax, unwind and actually do laundry and grocery shop on a week night. Sometimes week nights get so busy I have to save house chores for the weekend.

Who in their right mind wants to spend precious weekend minutes on house chores? No ONE. “How was your weekend?” and you say, “Oh it was good! Got a lot of things done around the house.” Oh barf. How boring is that? If your highlight of the weekend is “the stuff you got done” we need to stop talking now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m guilty of using that phrase (or something similar) but I’m pretty sure I focus on more exciting things when someones asks me. House chores are not the focus.

So, you’re wondering, “Why does Jenna’s headline have ‘detox’ in it?” I was just getting to that. This work week I’ve taken myself off the radar for social plans with friends. I’m not making plans or accepting plans. I think this is the first work week since graduation last year that I haven’t had plans during the week — and it feels great! I’ve been sleeping 8.5 to 9 hours at night which makes me feel confident at work because I’m not super worn out and not distracted with what I’m doing after work (if that makes any sense). I’m not rushing somewhere after work or feeling guilty about spending another $15 on beer at a happy hour. I’m making dinner every night which means I have my-coworkers-are-jealous lunches for the next day. Beef burritos with corn and black beans anyone?

Don’t get this idea that you should never text me to hang out again. That’s not what I’m saying. I love friends and I love plans. All I’m saying is that I’ve really enjoyed time alone when my weekends have been jam-packed lately. I think slowing down is good for me. I don’t feel like a spaz which is refreshing. It’s OK to miss out sometimes. You’re not missing out if you’re where you want to be.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or really busy or really exhausted, try social detox for a couple of days, or even a whole work week. It’s working for this girl.