Super Easy DIY Mirror Makeover

Over the summer I actually got my butt out of bed on a couple Saturday mornings and went garage sale shopping. Man, I love garage sales. I love the thrill of finding old furniture, barn windows, lamps, or a mirror in today’s case for super cheap. Sometimes you’ll only find junk, sometimes you’ll find gems.

So I bought this mirror you see here for $2 at a garage sale. It was a nasty gold. Not the cute gold that’s embellishing every button and accessory at Forever 21 right now, we’re talking ’90s gold. You get the idea.

mirror after

mirror after

Here are all the tools I needed to makeover this old-school mirror:

  • craft paint (I used a bottle from Michael’s)
  • paint brushes
  • old newspapers
  • painters tape (masking tape will work too)
  • mirror (any shape or size will do)

First things first, I placed old newspapers across my work space so I wouldn’t smear craft paint all over my kitchen counter. Then, I cut painters tape to cover the mirror surface. You’ll want to cut and size the tape correctly so you can paint freely and not worry about spilling paint on the mirror.

mirror before

mirror before

After the mirror surface is covered, whip out your favorite color paint. I used lime green because I’m obsessed with bright colors and I had it handy in my craft bin. You’ll want to squirt your paint on a paper plate so it won’t stain those Target college dishes you still care about (We’ve all got them. Shout out to Room Essentials ’08!). I painted three coats on my frame just to cover every bit of that horrendous gold.

mirror makeover

mirror makeover

And….here’s my final product. Tadaaa! It looks a little yellow-green here given my phone quality but I promise it’s lime. I’m not sure where I’ll put it in my new apartment. I thought it might be fun to paint a few more mirrors in different colors and make a grouping, but we’ll see. Any suggestions?