Badlands Beauty

So a few weekends ago I took a short trip out west to Bismarck, ND to visit my brother. He’s working out there and I was dying for a chance to visit and take a little road trip. We explored Bismark and checked out bars, restaurants and parks. He makes a great tour guide!

My favorite part of weekend was driving out even further west to Medora, ND to see the Teddy Roosevelt National Park. I LOVED IT. From badlands to prairie grass to bison to prairie dogs — this park has it all! My brother and I would drive around and stop every so often and climb out of our cars. We loved hiking and walking up hills or through prairie grass just to get a better view. It’s one thing to look at the badlands from your car, but it’s another thing to walk out 10 minutes away from your car and take it all in. 


It’s places like these that remind me how small we really are in this world. I mean I would stand up on a hill and see nothing but badlands, grass and valleys for miles and miles and miles. There was one point where it was nothing but badlands in every direction when I spun around 360 degrees.


Don’t we make cute explorers? 


I took this photo of Justin above “the gorge” where we kept making Lion King jokes and sang to a buffalo. I think the buffalo appreciated the gesture. 



How beautiful are these wild horses? They were only a few feet away from our car. 

wpid-wp-1409072313514.jpeg(I saved the best for last.) This is my favorite photo from the trip. I took like 20 more photos but they all start to look the same after a while. I highly recommend visiting Teddy Roosevelt National Park! I’m looking forward to going back some day.