1,008 Christmas Cookies (and Counting)

So, every year around this time, we get together for Cookie Day. We bake every Christmas cookie you could ever think of all day long–from sun up to sun down. It’s a blast! Our grand total this year was 84 dozen. And that wasn’t including pretzels and crackers dipped in almond bark. It takes a team of women, and it’s a long day, but it’s one of my favorite days of the year. Emma, one of my bestest friends, came to help us out! I loved having her there to be my sidekick.

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Believe it or not, this year was the 19th annual Cookie Day! I remember rushing home from school as a kid and bursting through the front door with tables upon tables of cookies cooling. Cookies are absolutely everywhere. It’s a kid’s dream.

Is your mouth watering yet?

5 thoughts on “1,008 Christmas Cookies (and Counting)

  1. What a fun day with family and friends. So glad you could make it Jenna. Maybe next year Justin will partake of the festivities. Who knows?

  2. Pingback: 20th Annual Cookie Day! | this brunette loves coffee

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